Thursday 20 April 2017

Independent Contractor

I am experienced software engineer with a technology called Ruby on Rails. I have done several projects/Web Applications using ROR. Initially when i was started learning ruby, i felt difficulty. Once we started learning Ruby problem solving then we will get more interest to do something new.

My first project is like Educational and social networking. In this project i got more knowledge in real time how we should implement the client requirement. Now i got 5 years of experience in Ruby on Rails. In this period of time i did several projects using ROR. Few of them are only API writing. Most of them are Web applications.

Now  i am planing to work as independent. So i am searching freelancing jobs, i gone through several freelancing websites. So i would like to get freelancing jobs through this.

Hope i will get it. Thanks.

My Experience in RUBYCONF INDIA 2016

Hi Readers, Rubyconf India is a global event complementing other RubyConf events across the world. I attended this event held on 19-20 ma...